
Hey there! I’m Kyrah. I’m studying at Newcastle University and living at college, while attempting to balance all the great times and opportunities being 20-something and living away from home offers.

Against all odds, about 2 months ago, I managed to land myself an internship at Newgroup Marketing- an opportunity I’m so glad I decided to go for!

While it started off as a simple application online, getting here was no smooth ride, convincing Roey I would be great for the job while living in Newcastle wasn’t an easy task.

It took many emails (I like to hope I didn’t look too desperate), lots of stalking of the Newgroup website, and a fair bit of convincing to ensure I had an interview.

Looking back now, when preparing for the interview I would definitely tell past Kyrah  “no matter how nice its looks when you leave Newcastle, make sure you’ve dressed appropriately for any sort of weather mother nature decides to throw at you. I.e. maybe don’t choose to wear a skirt and singlet on an August day- by the time you arrive for the interview, it will be pouring rain and you will look stupid”.

I’m not sure exactly what it was that convinced Roey to take me on. Maybe turning up dripping wet after a 3 hour train ride showed my dedication? Maybe it was because I was so bloody excited to be there and couldn’t help but laugh about the circumstances and be a little less nervous.

To anyone wanting to apply for a similar position, I would definitely tell them that if they really want it, to not give up- no matter how far away they are! Oh, and to smile and relax once they get to the interview- Roey really is a great guy and coming to Newgroup Marketing has been a decision I haven’t regretted for a minute.