
The month that is August… where you’re sure it’s been winter for longer than two months, you feel like you’re vitamin D deficient and daylight savings seems a distant, lonely memory. But no worries, you think, you’re on the home stretch towards ever-pleasant, polite & balmy spring where the music becomes a little more punchy, people are naturally more peppy and crucially — it’s the time of year when tiny animals that squeak like to come into the world.

Yep, you may be catching onto the idea that it’s not everyone’s sweetheart-typa-month here in the office, but nevertheless August has been dynamic few weeks and we thought we’d share what we’ve been keen (and not so) keen on!

Both of these are everyday, almost up to minute occurrences this month, where because we love our tea so much – the office fave at the moment being Forest Fruits pyramid infusers by never let’s you down Tetley –  someone is making a cuppa every 5 minutes or so and to do this, one must face the shiny, metal, zappy tap that decides how many electrostatic shocks it will give you, to be worthy of its water. It’s been fun… and fruity.

It’s been said that good things to come to those who hustle… we think that great things happen to those who (through feeling chocolate’s strong pull) are strong enough to step out of the hustle to take a quiet, blissful moment to enjoy a Lindt chocolate ball melt effortlessly on the tongue before leaking their secret creative powers into the choc-addicted minds of our marketing team! Also helps that the Lindt chocolate bowl in our office seems to be bottomless (one of our team is on quite good terms by now with the Lindt staff at their Bondi pop-up!).

On the flip side, can’t say we’ve been loving the quite epic, chilly breeze that decides to gust its way through Bondi at the moment. But it’s okay, we know it’s not forever, plus also knowing chocolate is forever helps a heap.

Our token office yoga ball from ProForm is quite well-loved, where if it’s not being squabbled over to be used as a seat, someone has claimed feeling a strong urge to get their exercise on and pretends to work a muscle or two out for a good 3 minutes. Oh, and it’s also a pretty fun toy for our Baby Director to play with and turn the office staff into professional peek-a-boo players. Fun times for all. On the other hand, we were all a tad heartbroken (hence stock up of chocolate) when our bosses and Baby Director jetted off overseas to enjoy life some. To say the least, some of us truly felt the weight of proper adulting, while others are feeling extremely pale now the boss is back office just a casual 20 shades darker in skin tone.


Well August, you’ve been chilly but we’ve liked having you around. We’ll probably be ready to see you in about a year… yep, a year should be good, cheers!

– KT