
Part 1 of “The Office” blog post series.

We’ve been inundated with work over the last couple of weeks, so we thought we’d take a bit of a break from the daily grind and touch base with each member of our team. So, we’d like to welcome you guys to Part 1 of our new blog series — The Office — this is where we get up close and cosy with our team and find out who they really are in and beyond Bondi. Today, we’ll be getting an insight into our Communications and Movement expert, Katie.

Hi Katie, tell us a little bit about what your job is, here at Newgroup.

My job is all about client parties and shopping for new chocolate varieties for the office…
No really, as much as I love chocolate and talking about it to anyone that will listen my role at Newgroup is based around project management; communicating with our great clients and internal teams, working out the best options to have all our projects – big or small – be well-polished, functionable and something we’re proud to present.

You’ve got quite a name for being the active one in the office, having a background in dance and a love for yoga – what is the hardest yoga move you’ve ever done?

I always find the one legged bridge pose – wish is laying on your back with legs out, raising hips as much as you can and bringing one leg up to be vertical – a huge challenge!

So you’ve been working on the website project for “Umbilico”, which is a creative movement collective that brings together all different exercise disciplines. If you were to try something different at Umbilico, what would it be?

Well, Umbilico offers a really broad range of unique activities, so I think trying something different like circus arts would be fun. Or Martial Arts, now that’d be cool!

And finally, as the official dance and movement expert of the office, if you were to pick any choreographed dance for everyone in the office to learn, what would you choose?

My Under 12’s Song and Dance to Hi 5’s ‘Three Wishes’ – that would definitely be fun times for all I’m sure…(or perhaps just me!)

Keep an eye out for the next instalment of “The Office”, where we dive deep into the mind of one of our lead creatives!

Signing off,

The Newgroup Team